imprint/legal notice

Information in accordance with the Teleservices Act (TDG) Service provider:

CARpediem GmbH
Münchenerstraße 67
D-83395 Freilassing

Managing directors: Birgit Modl & Markus Schwienbacher
Telephone +49 8654 688983
Fax + 49 176 20133119

Traunstein commercial register: HRB 15423

VAT ID no: DE 813836786

Bank details:
Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Oberbayern Südost eG
BLZ 71090000
Account no. 298760
IBAN DE29710900000000298760

Liability We do not check the contents of external websites linked to. They are the responsibility of the respective providers.

Financial supervisory authority The license to provide the financial leasing service within the meaning of section 1 para. 1a clause 2 no. 10 German Banking Act has been granted. Since the year 2008, we have been subject to supervision by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin registration number: 121933)

Disclosure Remuneration Regulation for Institutions CARpediem GmbH as a financial services institution within the meaning of the Remuneration Regulation for Institutions is obliged to publish on its website the structure of its remuneration system, the decision-making processes involved in establishing the remuneration policy including the relevant remuneration parameters and remuneration elements:

The institute is not an important institution within the meaning of the Remuneration Regulation for Institutions. The institution does not have any permanent staff members apart from the managing directors. The remuneration system of the managing directors is such that there are no incentives to take excessive risks. In addition to the fixed remuneration, the management is paid a commensurate variable remuneration.

Information on this website The content of this website is chosen with the utmost care. However, the provider is not liable for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information provided.

Data protection information We only collect and store statistical data about user access to this website without identifying specific individuals. This is done in compliance with the applicable data protection laws and for purely internal purposes. In particular, we do not know who spends how long on our web pages or the user behaviour during the page visits. We do not use cookies or similar technologies.

The new specifications of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) apply in Europe as of 25 May 2018; they are binding for all companies. Because of the substantial fines that may be imposed under the GDPR, it is important that both you and we comply with our respective obligations under data privacy regulations. We as a company are not permitted to process personal data if the customer has not consented to this or if no permission for processing is in place under the GDPR. To view the new General Data Protection Regulation, please click on the link provided.

Copyright information All information and pictures published on this website are copyright protected. Any utilisation not permitted under copyright law requires the prior written consent of the provider.

Communication by email Communication by email may be subject to security breaches. For example, emails sent to staff members of our company may be intercepted and read by experienced internet users. When we receive an email from you, we assume that we are entitled to reply by email. If not, you must expressly refer to another means of communication. On request, we are able to encrypt the message using a popular encryption standard (e.g. PGP).